Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Hillary (Jezebel) Clinton: "It is God's law to kill babies."

Article in Life Advocate, March 1993, "Washington Week" p. 12

"A word for (from) the Clintons", by Lurleen Stackhouse

[Excerpts, emphasis added]

'On January 21 my name appeared on the back page of the Washington Post as "an anti-abortion demonstrator" who confronted President and Mrs. Clinton at the AMEC church on Inauguration Day. The full story needs to be told.'

'What should have been written was how stridently pro-death the Clintons really are. I had the opportunity to confront Hillary face to face and she countered by scoffing, "It is God's law to kill babies." This is the story that should have been told. Hillary Clinton believes in child abuse although she claims to be a champion of children's rights. Once again the media missed the real story.'


'When the service concluded we were asked to stay seated until the President and Mrs. Clinton departed for the White House. However, as they walked down the aisle I stood and reached out for Mr. Clinton. He took my hand and I said, "Mr. Clinton, America must stop killing babies." He looked at me with a blank stare on his face. I repeated this statement to him.'

'Hillary then came to give me a hug and I said, "Hillary, it's against God's law to kill babies." She stepped back, shaking and trembling, and then grabbed my arm. Her countenance transformed from a pleasant demeanor to the appearance of being possessed. Her eyes were enraged as she replied, "It is God's law to kill babies."

'I drew back in shock at this blatant and revealing statement.' ...


'But the killing will continue so long as there is no understanding among church people about holiness. It will continue so long as Hillary Clinton and company have their feminist agenda enforced. It will continue as long as Christians continue to be apathetic and non-resistant. It will continue until God releases His hand of judgment upon our nation. But in the end it must stop. Until it does the voice of unborn babies will cry out for justice.


Full article can be viewed at: www.christianlifeandliberty.net/cclwashweek.doc

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Hillary (Jezebel) Clinton: "It is God's law to kill babies."
Testimony of Mrs. Lurleen Stackhouse, reporting this statement made to her face by Mrs.Clinton, after confronting her in the AMEC Church at President Bill Clinton's Inauguration Day prayer service on January 21, 1993 in Washington, D.C. (reported in LIFE ADVOCATE, March 1993)

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