"Will the GOP lose the US House in 2006 ? The GOP has failed to get the job done on: Immigration, ABORTION, federal spending, China trade deficit, exodus of manufacturing jobs & plants. And the War in Iraq is a tragedy."
Will the GOP lose the US House in 2006 ?
The GOP has failed to get the job done on: Immigration, ABORTION, federal spending, China trade deficit, exodus of manufacturing jobs & plants. And the War in Iraq is a tragedy.
May 9, 2006 Memo Form to SC State Senators: Will the GOP lose the US House in 2006 ?
The GOP has failed to get the job done on: Immigration, ABORTION, federal spending, China trade deficit, exodus of manufacturing jobs & plants. And the War in Iraq is a tragedy.
The prideful Establishment Republican Leadership in the US Congress and SC Legislature continued in 2006(and continues in 2008) to "use" the Christian "conservative" pro-life vote... God is already judging and exposing the DECEPTION and FRAUD of the FAKE "conservative" "pro-life" Establishment Republican Leadership. May God be pleased to use the uprooting of this stronghold for His glory, and for the further extension of His kingdom ! May God in His sovereignty and mercy give us Christian constitutionalists for civil ministers, and remove these practicing Socialists, Globalists, and Protectors of Planned Parenthood and the child-killing industry from power.
Look at these and weep at what our US Congress, US President, and ALL the "United States of America" are protecting: Both the Fed Gov and each State have the power to declare legal "personhood" for all human beings at fertilization, and end this holocaust in ONE WEEK !
[ Note: This website is cited for the purpose of showing the graphic photos of aborted babies; unfortunately the host organization is ecumenical. ]
On Election Day November 2006, the Republicans had a majority in the US House and the US Senate;but after the November 2006 elections, the Republicans had lost their majorities in BOTH the US House and the US Senate, when the 110th US Congress was sworn-in, in January 2007:
Nov. 2006 (109th US Congress)
US House : Rep. 229; Dem. 202; Indep. 1; vacant 3
US Senate : Rep. 55 ; Dem. 44 ; Indep. 1
Jan. 2007 (110th US Congress)
US House: Rep. 202; Dem. 233; Indep. - ; vacant -
US Senate: Rep.49; Dem. 49; Indep. 2 (caucus w/ Democrats); vacant -
Republicans lost 27 seats in the US House, and lost the Republican majority, in the November 2006 elections.
Republicans lost six seats in the US Senate, and lost the Republican majority, in the November 2006 elections.
109th United States Congress (2005 - 2006)
Session: January 3, 2005 – January 3, 2007
110th United States Congress (2007 - 2008)
Term: January 3, 2007 – January 3, 2009
Related reports and documentation of:
the failure of the
Republican-majority South Carolina House, and the
Republican-majority South Carolina Senate, and the
Republican "conservative" South Carolina Governor**to pass the Right to Life Act of South Carolina (Personhood) Bill*** to END**** ABORTION IN SOUTH CAROLINA
** Republican SC Governor Mark Sanford attended the June 2008 annual Globalist Elites' "Bilderberger" Conference outside Washington, D.C.
SC Governor Mark Sanford attended the 2008 meeting of the Bilderberg group
Meeting of Globalist Elites Bilderberg group held in Chantilly, Virginia - June 5 through June 8, 2008
Flyer (two pages) formatted for distribution
*** Right to Life Act of South Carolina (Personhood Bill)
2007/2008 Session
**** END and NOT just perpetually REGULATE as the INCREMENTALISTS and ABORTION (MURDER) REGULATORS at the Romanist National Right to 'Life" [sic] organization continue to advocate (National Right to LIfe was originally founded by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops in 1968, before becoming autonomous "non-sectarian" [any religion])
"The National Right to Life Committee which had been founded in 1968 under the auspices of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, in 1973 became autonomous and non-sectarian."
Dictionary of Christianity [sic] in America, 1990, pp. 1017, 1018.
SC's National RTL chapter not supporting RTL Act of SC
- Is SC Citizens for Life really "Pro-Life" ? (flyer for distribution included)
From Home page of www.ChristianLifeandLiberty.net :
Right to Life Act of South Carolina (Personhood Bill)
2005/2006 Session
SC Senate Judiciary Subcommittee, May 18, 2005 - S.111/H.3213
Audio (36:09) - Public hearing, no debate or vote
SC Senate Judiciary Subcommittee, May 4, 2005 - S.111/H.3213
Audio (40:50) - Public hearing, no debate or vote
SC House Judiciary Committee, April 5, 2005 - H.3213
Audio (38:33) - Following debate, bill passed favorably by vote of 15 - 5 (roll call)
From "RTL Act of SC" page of www.ChristianLifeandLiberty.net :
2005 (2005-2006 SC legislative session)
3. 'South Carolina House Passes Personhood Bill' (with fatal flaw) - April 15, 2005
13. SC State Senators begin hearing testimony on RTL Act of SC - May 4, 2005
17. Report on Second Public Hearing for the RTL Act of SC - May 18, 2005
18. "Jesus is Pro-Life" news conference/pro-life rally - SC State House - May 26, 2005
2006 (2005-2006 SC legislative session)
19. Right to Life Act of SC - news conference and "Jesus Christ is Lord of the Gates" pro-life rally - Jan. 17, 2006
23. Legal Opinion (2005) of South Carolina Attorney General on the Right to Life Act of SC"
Accordingly, it is our opinion that the Right to Life Act is constitutional."
[Reprinted with permission of Thomson/West. Posted March 26, 2006]
24. Republican State Senators choose not to pass Right to Life Act of SC
25. H.3213 - Right to Life Act of SC
26. S.111 - Right to Life Act of SC
27. 11 State bills in 2005/2006 banning abortions:
- ALA, GA, IND, KY, LA, MO, ND, OH, SC, SD, TENN (over 20% of States in U.S.)
29. Less than one month in SC's 2006 session before RTL Act of SC dies ! ... unless the GOP-majority SC Senate passes bill by June 1st
The Republicans in South Carolina are the majority in the SC House (74 R's to 50 D's). The Republicans in South Carolina are the majority in the SC Senate (26 R's to 20 D's). The Republicans in South Carolina occupy the Governor's office, the Lt. Governor's office, and the Attorney General's office.
The Republicans in South Carolina are the majority in the SC House (74 R's to 50 D's). The Republicans in South Carolina are the majority in the SC Senate (26 R's to 20 D's). The Republicans in South Carolina occupy the Governor's office, the Lt. Governor's office, and the Attorney General's office.
32. "JESUS IS PRO-LIFE" news conferences - Greenville & Spartanburg, SC - May 25, 2006
33. "JESUS IS PRO-LIFE" news conference - SC State House - May 30, 2006
34. Opinion Editorial - Right to Life Act of South Carolina [S.111 / H.3213] - May 16, 2006
Republican State Senators refuse to pass South Carolina's pro-life bill to end "legalized" abortion
35. "JESUS IS PRO-LIFE" news conference - Columbia, SC - May 30, 2006
Right to Life Act of South Carolina [ H.3213 / S.111 ] Republican State Senators refuse to pass South Carolina's pro-life bill to end "legalized" abortion
36. SC's Republican-majority State Senate kills the SC baby-killing ban bill
South Carolina's pro-life bill to end "legalized" abortion (House bill H.3213 / Senate bill S.111)
38. Battle continues in South Dakota over state-level bill that bans most abortions
This South Dakota bill does not recognize the legal "personhood" of all pre-birth human beings because it allows for a life-of-the-mother "exception" to a ban on child-murder-by-abortion.
39. National Right To Life: The Judas Of The Preborn
By Dr. Patrick Johnston ; The Covenant News ~ July 10, 2006
40. Anti-abortion constitutional amendment petition falls short in Michigan National Right to Life does it again - this time in Michigan...
Right to Life of Michigan did not support the petition drive to ban abortion in Michigan by a state constitutional amendment, and neither did the Michigan Catholic Conference.
2007 (2007-2008 SC legislative session)
41. Upcoming Events in January 2007 to Establish Justice for the Unborn:
Jan. 16, 2007, Tuesday - News Conference, 11:45 am, First Floor Lobby, SC State House
Jan. 21, 2007, Sunday - Outdoor Worship Service, Repentance for Bloodguilt, 2:30 - 3:30 pm, South Steps, SC State House
Jan. 22, 2007, Monday - "JESUS is Pro-Life" Rally, 12 noon, North Steps, SC State House
42. Georgia's State-level Abortion Ban Bill Re-introduced for 2007 Session - HB 01
43. SC's National RTL chapter not supporting RTL Act of SC
- Is SC Citizens for Life really "Pro-Life" ? (flyer for distribution included)
44. Statement on Right to Life Act of SC - news conference - SC State House - Jan. 16, 2007
Steve Lefemine, dir., Columbia Christians for Life
45. Jan. 22, 2007, Monday - "JESUS is Pro-Life" Rally, 12 noon, North Steps, SC State House
34th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade
Featuring Dr. Stan Craig, pastor, Choice Hills Baptist Church, Greenville
Mr. Charles Butler, pastor, Souls Afire Baptist Church, Orangeburg
Moderated by Johnny Gardner, dir., Voice of the Unborn, Columbia
Steve Lefemine, dir., Columbia Christians for Life, Columbia
46. Updated Statement on Right to Life Act of SC - "JESUS is Pro-Life" Rally - SC State House - Jan. 22, 2007
Steve Lefemine, dir., Columbia Christians for Life
47. Contact Information for key South Carolina state government officials
- ask them to publicly support passage of the Right to Life Act of SC (H.3284) to ban abortion in SC Governor Mark Sanford (R)
- Office of the SC Governor, SC State House, First Floor
Senator Glenn McConnell (Senate Judiciary Comm. chairman), District 41, Charleston County
Representative Bobby Harrell, Jr. (House Speaker), District 114 - Charleston & Dorchester Cos.
Senator Jim Ritchie, Jr. (Senate Judiciary Subcommittee chairman) District 13 - Greenville, Spartanburg & Union Cos.
- GA, MT, ND, SC, TX, VA (12% of States in U.S.) Revised and updated as of February 1, 2007 (.doc file)
- GA, MT, ND, SC, TX, VA (12% of States in U.S.) Revised and updated as of February 1, 2007 (.htm file)
52. Take Action to Pass the RTL Act of SC - H.3284, SC House - March 14, 2007
Right to Life Act of SC - "Personhood" for all humans at fertilization SC House bill H.3284 - now with 32 co-sponsors
53. S.C. Gov. Supports Pre-Abortion-Ultrasound Bill
God's requirement in the case of Murder is JUSTICE, not Regulation ! (Romans 13:1-4; Michah 6:8)
54. Take Action to Pass the RTL Act of SC - S.313, SC Senate - March 24, 2007
Right to Life Act of SC - "Personhood" for all humans at fertilization SC Senate bill S.313 - now with nine co-sponsors
55. 2007 State-Level Bills Banning Abortions in Eight U.S. States
- AL, CO, GA, MT, ND, SC, TX, VA (16% of States in U.S.)
Revised and updated as of March 29, 2007
57. April 27, 2007 Letter to Rep. Greg Delleney (R-Chester & York Cos.), Chairman of the Constitutional Laws Subcommitee of the SC House Judiciary Committee
From: Steve Lefemine, pro-life missionary, dir., CCL
Subject: The Right to Life Act of South Carolina (H.3284)
Re: Your expressed intention to not hold a public hearing for the Right to Life Act of SC this year
59. May 7, 2007 Letter to Sen. Glenn McConnell (R-Charleston Co.), Chairman of the SC Senate Judiciary Committee
From: Steve Lefemine, pro-life missionary, dir., CCL
Subject: The Right to Life Act of South Carolina (Re-introduced for the 2007-2008 Session as S.313)
Re: 1) Request for assignment of S.313 to a Senate Judiciary Subcommittee, and
2) Request for a Public Hearing for S.313, the Right to Life Act of SC (RTL Act of SC)
60. SC RTL Act delayed by House Republican leader for Ultrasound Bill in 2007 Session
Republican Chairman of the House Constitutional Laws Subcommittee, Rep. Greg Delleney (R-Chester) has decided not to hold a public hearing on the RTL Act of SC (H.3284) until action is complete in the SC General Assembly on the Ultrasound bill (H.3355). The 2007 regular session ends June 7. Once action is complete on the Ultrasound bill, Rep. Delleney has stated he will then sign on as a co-sponsor of the Right to Life Act of SC, and grant us a public hearing.
61. Sanctity of Life Act - HR 2597, sponsored by Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX)
Ending Pro-Abortion Judicial Tyranny Article III, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution states: "The Supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, with such exceptions, and under such regulations as the Congress shall make."
62. "JESUS IS PRO-LIFE" news conference - SC State House - May 31, 2007
63. Supreme Court Ruling Brings Split in Antiabortion Movement
Washington Post; Page A03 Monday, June 4, 2007
65. June 28, 2007 Memo to SC State Representatives: Will the GOP lose the White House in 2008 ?
After 34+ years, Republicans have still failed to pass fetal "personhood" legislation to end abortion in our state and nation. Foreign Invasion (12-20 million illegal aliens) and War (Iraq) are two [of] God's end-game judgments on nations that shed innocent blood (Abortion). 2 Kings 24:1-4
66. Fetal 'Personhood' denied by Republican-majority SC Legislature in 2007 (2008 ?)
According to the language of Roe, if a Legislature will declare the 'fetus' is legally a 'person ' at fertilization, without 'exceptions,' Abortion is over ! Neither the Republican-majority SC House, nor the Republican-majority SC Senate, even held Judiciary Subcommittee public hearings on the Right to Life Act of SC (H.3284 / S.313) during the entire January 2007 through June 2007 SC Legislative session, finally adjourning June 29.
67. "Personhood Song" - Artist: Tony Funderbunk (4:06 - audio link)
68. Press Release - Dr. Paul Issues Statement in Support of State 'Right to Life' Amendments
December 27, 2007 7:02 am EST
2008 (2007-2008 SC legislative session)
69. "Right to Life Act of SC "Personhood" Bill - Public Hearing, February 14, 2008
70. Public Hearing Statement in support of Right to Life Act of SC - Columbia, SC - Feb. 14, 2008
71. 2007-2008 State-Level Personhood (and other selected) Legislation
- Including State-Level Personhood Bills and Constitutional Amendments - AL, CO, GA, MT, SC, VA
Updated February 14, 2008
73. "Personhood" Bill in SC - Call on Republicans Delleney and Harrison to pass out of Committee
74. Flyer - "Personhood" Bill in SC - Call on Republicans Delleney and Harrisonto pass out of Committee (two pages)
75. WQXL-1470 AM Radio Commercial - Right to Life Act of SC "Personhood" Bill (1:00 - audio link)
To begin airing Monday, April 14, 2008
76. SC State House News Conference - Right to Life Act of SC
- Columbia, SC- 11:45 AM, Tues., May 27, 2008
- First Floor Lobby (between Gov. and Lt. Gov. offices)
- H.3284/H.3697/S.313
77. Press Advisory - SC State House News Conference
Right to Life Act of SC - 11:45 AM, Tues., May 27, 2008
To Protect the Lives of Over 7,000 Pre-Birth Children Murdered Each Yearin South Carolina by Abortion !
To Protect the Lives of Over 7,000 Pre-Birth Children Murdered Each Year in SC by Abortion !
Right to Life Act of SC - TEN YEARS !
PERSONHOOD BATTLES IN OTHER STATES - plus new Personhood legislation in the US Senate:
(Pro-Abort McCain NOT a co-sponsor ! / National Right to "Life" [sic] NOT supporting these Personhood Bills either !)
80. Colorado Human Life Amendment Signatures Certified
- Historic Amendment Officially on November's Ballot
81. Unborn Personhood on Colorado Ballot
82. Montana Personhood Amendment stirring controversy in MT
83. Proposed Personhood Legislation in the 110th U.S. Congress
Psalm 33:12; Proverb 14:34; Psalm 9:17; 2 Kings 24:1-4; Jeremiah 19:3-5; Psalm 106:37-42
Foreign invasion (10-20 Million Illegal Aliens) and War (Iraq) are divine consequences upon a nation, any nation, for the shedding of innocent blood (e.g., 2 Kings 24:1-4)...
George Mason, Virginia delegate to the Constitutional Convention, 1787:
"Every master of slaves is born a petty tyrant. They bring the judgment of heaven upon a country. As nations cannot be rewarded or punished in the next world, they must be in this. By an inevitable chain of causes and effects, Providence punishes nation sins, by national calamites."
America lost over 600,000 American lives in the War Between Americans (1861-1865) as a result of God's divine judgment UPON BOTH NORTH AND SOUTH for the national sin of America's institutionalized chattel slavery system.
Will America have to lose 600,000 (or proportionally more) lives to war or terrorist attack before our eyes are opened to seeing the connection between national sin and national calamity ???
Just as God is already bringing incrementally greater divine judgment (e.g., 9-11, War in Iraq, ongoing Foreign Invasion by 12-20 Million Illegal Aliens, USA Financial Crisis, etc., etc., etc.) upon America for our federal, state, and local government-protected, institutionalized system of child-murder-by-abortion in our approx. 750 abortion centers, and hospitals, and doctors offices, today...
Abortion is a national sin. 9-11 was a national calamity.
3,000 innocent people were killed on 9-11-001; 3,000 innocents are killed DAILY in America's 700+ abortion death camps - just a "coincidence" ? Or is God perhaps trying to get our attention so we will "Connect The Dots" !!?
What about the War of Terror being waged by abortion domestic terrorists against children in the womb in America !!?
God's 9-11 Message to America - Repent !
Flip Benham, OSA national director, September 10, 2002 press release (i.e., six years ago !) http://lefemineforlife.blogspot.com/2007/09/columbia-christians-for-life-press.html
Flip Benham, OSA national director, September 4, 2002 article...
www.operationsaveamerica.org/articles/articles/wtc-anniversary.htm (i.e., six years ago !)


“He that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy." Proverb 29:1, KJB
More and greater divine judgment is coming upon America for the national sin of child-murder-by-abortion (3,000 slaughtered unborn children PER DAY by surgical abortion alone) unless America repents of the shedding of innocent blood (STARTING with us Christians, for sins of committing abortions (including chemicalabortions from birth control pills), and for sins of omitting to love our unborn neighbors enough to labor diligently to STOP abortions.) If you think that 9-11 is the most severe attack upon America that God will allow/cause, then you do not know history, the Bible, or God Himself, as He is truly revealed in the Word of God (all 66 books of the Bible !). America will not survive as we presently know it . America will be destroyed, if we do not repent, beginning with the Church, of the national sin of child-murder-by-abortion. When the Christian church truly repents in America, one of the signsof that repentance will be an increased presence, on-site, outside America's 700+ abortion death camps, crying out toGod to stop the slaughter !
"If My people [Christians], which are called by My Name, shall humble themselves, and pray,and seek My Face, and turn from their wicked ways [sins of commission and omission]; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land [America, or any nation]." 2 Chronicles 7:14
Sunday, January 21, 2007, South Steps, SC State House, Columbia, South Carolina
"America repent"
"Contemporary Christian Artist: Tim Juillet"
(scroll down to song in player window in upper right of home page)
"But judgment shall return unto righteousness: and all the upright in heart shall follow it." Psalm 94:15, KJB
No King but King Jesus! (Yeshua Messiah)
Declarations and Evidences of Christian Faith in America’s Colonial Charters, State Constitutions, and other Historical Documents during over 375 Years of American History: 1606 to 1982
"... I will build My church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Matthew 16:18 Yeshua Messiah
Hallelu-Yah !
Steve Lefemine, pro-life missionary
dir., Columbia Christians for Life
PO Box 50358
Columbia, SC
(803) 765-0916
October 9, 2008
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