- tapped by NWO Illuminati Globalist Elites to replace Billy Graham as America's Judas-Goat-in-Chief to lead American evangelical Christians astray in following the presidential NWO sock puppets placed before the American people; including Trilateralists Jimmy Carter, George HW Bush, and Bill Clinton (all CFR members also), and masonic Skull and Bones George W. Bush (like his father and grandfather).
Billy Graham Library Dedication May 31 - Clinton, Carter, Bush Sr. included
Adulterer, pro-abort, globalist, CFR-member Bill Clinton,
and pro-abort, apostate, globalist, CFR-member Jimmy Carter,
and Skull and Bonesman, former CFR-board member George H.W. Bush
to help dedicate Billy Graham Library near Charlotte, NC May 31
May 28, 2007
Don't be deceived by all the current media attention paid to the story about how upset the sodomites are that Obama would pick Rick Warren when Warren publicly supported Prop 8, California's Nov. 4th anti-sodomite marriage amendment - that storyline is a distraction –
that is not the important story here !
Obama defends Warren choice
Pastor's role in inauguration angers homosexual activists
Posted: December 18, 2008
Blessing Barack Obama's inauguration with controversy

John McCain, Rick Warren, Barack Obama at Saddleback Church (Lake Forest, CA)
Presidential civil forum, August 16, 2008
What is happening is the passing of the "Judas Goat" baton from ecumenical, compromising, universalist Billy Graham, who has served the New World Order's purposes well in helping to serve up evangelical's for political slaughter at the hands of the CFR-dominated Republican and Democratic Parties, to CFR, ecumenical apostate Rick Warren. Like fellow CFR-member and Southern Baptist Judas Goat, Dr. Richard Land (SBC Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission),Rick Warren is a traitor to the Christian church in America.
Billy Graham's apostasy
"... Billy Graham now says non-Christians in other faiths (false religions) and secular humanists may be going to heaven."
Billy Graham's apostasy
World Net Daily
"... Billy Graham now says non-Christians in other faiths (false religions) and secular humanists may be going to heaven."
Thursday, August 10, 2006
CFR Rick Warren, CFR John McCain, and CFR, 33rd Degree Mason, Shriner Gerald Ford
"For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed." Isaiah 9:16 (King James Bible)
CFR Rick Warren claims CFR John McCain has "faith" like CFR, 33rd Degree Mason, Shriner Gerald Ford
"Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
Ye shall know them by their fruits." Matthew 7:15, 16 (King James Bible)
August 17, 2008
God says, "As for My people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O My people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths." Isaiah 3:12
and, "For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed." Isaiah 9:16
To paraphrase this nation's Founding Fathers, Only a Virtuous People is Capable of Liberty; Only a Moral People is Capable of Freedom; Only a People which can Govern Themselves as Individuals, can practice Self-Government corporately. To apply the Scriptures above, America has gotten wicked rulers because we ourselves as a People are wicked: a nation that practices, tolerates, enshrines, advertises, supports financially both privately and publicly, and protects in law: child-murder-by-abortion, fornication, adultery, and sodomy, etc.
Can such a nation survive ? NO.
America's only hope is Repentance, beginning with those who profess to be Christians.
Repent Church (2 Chronicles 7:14). Repent America (Psalm 9:17, Proverb 14:34).
Steve Lefemine
December 18, 2008
Read the entire report here.
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