Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Glenn Beck is AWOL in the Cultural War

By Laurie Higgins

August 17, 2010

"[ CCL: Mormon ] Glenn Beck has proclaimed that legalized homosexual [ CCL: sodomite ] marriage [ CCL: coupling ] wouldn’t harm America;..."


Accuracy in Media's Newsletter
August 17, 2010

Glenn Beck is AWOL in the Cultural War

AIM Column By Laurie Higgins
August 17, 2010

Glenn Beck has proclaimed that legalized homosexual marriage wouldn’t harm America

[ emphasis added ]

Glenn Beck has proclaimed that legalized homosexual marriage wouldn’t harm America; Ann Coulter has agreed to speak at the pseudo-Republican group GOProud’s “Homocon”; Grover Norquist, Tucker Carlson, and Margaret Hoover have formally endorsed homosexual activist organizations and their political goals; Indiana governor and possible Republican presidential candidate, Mitch Daniels, has called for a “truce” on the “social issues,” suggesting homosexual marriage is not an “existential” issue; and alleged homosexual Mark Kirk may win a Senate seat—Mark Kirk who supports virtually all homosexuality-affirming legislation, including so-called “hate crimes” legislation, the “Employment Non-Discrimination Act,” the “Safe Schools Improvement Act,” and the repeal of “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.”

True conservatives need to rethink their cowardly refusal to address the inherent immorality of homosexual practice and their deeply flawed strategy of calling for a moratorium on “social issues.”

It’s astonishing that any thinking person could view as non-existential the radical redefinition of marriage and the implications it has for First Amendment speech and religious liberties as well as for parental rights and public education.

Continued at:

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